Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | printing | parallel OCR: $10 OFF Your Next The Amencan Heritage Dictionary THE The Fox Reletonoes Options Help Software Purchase! AMERICAN HERITAGE® Talking Dictionary (see inside for TM inspiration Browse mail-in details; in-spi-ra tion (In'spo-ra/shon) n. 1.a. Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity. b. Inspect The condition of being so stimulated, 2. An agency, such as Inspection a person of work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions inspector The most fascinating, thought-ticking, idea-stimulating dictionary or prompts action or invention. 3. Something, such aF & inspectorate sudden creative act or idea, that is inspired. 4. The quality of inspector general inspiring or exalting a painting Adl ofinspiration. 5. Insphere Theology. Divine guidance or influence exerted directly on inspiration you've ever HEARD! The American Heritage® Talking Dictionary is for the mind and soul of humankind. 6. The act of drawing in, inspirational especially the inhalation of air into the lungs. Inspirator Inspiratory Inspire everyone. Use it to enhance your creativity, find information, do homework, Inspired 1. (n.) High spirits: Inspiring . elation learn to pronounce word's ... even solve puzzles. . animation · delight - euphona FEATURES · Nearly 200,000 words complete with full . Contains Roget's Thesaurus with over 1.5 System Requirements: definitions, parts of speech, proper usage, million words Windows®: 386/25 or higher IBM® or hyphenation, idioms, synonyms, homographs, pronunciations and · More than 13,000 geographic entries compatible computer · Windows® inflections, abbreviations, and sample including cities, countries, regions, oceans, 3.1/95/98 · 4MB RAM . 2MB hard disk space (18MB of free hard disk space if lakes, rivers, and mountains the dictionary is to reside on the hard sentences disk) . CD-ROM drive . 8-bit sound card · Pronounces words for you as definitions . Build vocabulary with Word of the Day (MPC-compliant) are displayed · Alternate Spelling feature displays list of Macintosh®: Any Macintosh® with 2MB M words if more than one spelling exists RAM if System 6.X · 4MB if System WINDOWS 98 7500K available hard disk space (15MB WINDOWS 95 WINDOWS 3.1 hard disk space available if the dictionary Smart Saver™ Macintosh® COMPATIBLE COMPATIBLE is to reside on hard disk) . CD-ROM drive CD-ROM @1999 The Learning Company Inc ., and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version portions 1995 by Inso Corporation. All rights reserved. Deluxe US English Electronic Thesaurus developed by Inso Corporation in collaboration with Oxford University Press and Houghton Mifflin Company. The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Edited by E.D. Hirsch, Jr ., Joseph F. Kett and James Trefil. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version portions @1995 by Inso Corporation. All rights reserved. American Heritage and the eagle logo SKU AMH3744BE are registered trademarks of Forbes Inc. Their use is pursuant to a license agreement with Forbes Inc. Voice recording and compression technology provided under license from W.E.S.T ., Inc.IM San Jose, California. @ Copyright 1994, 1995 W.E.S.T ., Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright Archive Photos 1995, Copyright Archive Films 1995. The Learning Company, and Word Hunter are registered trademarks and Talking Dictionary and SmartSaver are trademarks of The Learning Company, Inc. All other trade- marks are the property of their respective owners. USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTY UNDER THE LICENSE AGREEMENT CONTAINED HEREIN. 7 72040 76834 8 AMH7CE-BI ISBN# 0-7630-2271-3